*NAMU 영어캠프/출발 준비 과정

만15세 미만자 부모 동의서양식

Sandra kim 2009. 10. 17. 00:58

   Father (아버지 이름)                 Mother(어머니 이름)AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT AND CONSENT
부모동의서 및 재정보증서


 I/We, ________________________ and _________________________

Of legal age, Korean citizen, presently residing in the Republic of Korea, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say:

 That I/We am/are the parent(s) of _______________________________
                                                Name of minor(자녀 이름)

 That I/We hereby give my/our consent for his/her travel to Philippines                   with Mr./ Ms. _____________________________________________________
                             Name of guidance(인솔자 이름)

 That I/We, the parent(s) of the aforesaid minor, give(s) this consent of                         my/our free will and with any reservation:

 That I/We will defray all his/her travel expenses, accommodations and allowances and other financial needs during the said trip:

 That I/We guarantee that he /she will not be a charge against the Philippine Government:

 That I/We, am/are executing this affidavit to attest to the veracity of the contents here of and for all legal intents and purpose it may serve

 In Witness whereof, I/We sign these presents on ___________________ in Korea.                                              Date(날짜)


_________________________         _________________________
    Signature of Father(아버지 서명)            Signature of Mother(어머니 서명)

자료출처:주필리핀 한국대사관